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SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Table of Contents
Volume 6, Issue 3, pp. 345-540

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Covering Multigraphs by Simple Circuits

N. Alon and M. Tarsi

pp. 345-350

Convex Sets of Hermitian Matrices with Constant Inertia

Charles R. Johnson and Leiba Rodman

pp. 351-359

Doubly-Periodic Sequences and Two-Dimensional Recurrences

Steven Homer and Jerry Goldman

pp. 360-370

An Extension of the Matrix Inversion Lemma

Nariyasu Minamide

pp. 371-377

Recursive Best Approximate Solution Algorithms

Nariyasu Minamide

pp. 378-383

Hill Climbing with Multiple Local Optima

Craig A. Tovey

pp. 384-393

Asymptotic Normality in the Generalized Polya–Eggenberger Urn Model, with an Application to Computer Data Structures

A. Bagchi and A. K. Pal

pp. 394-405

On Nonnegative Solutions of Matrix Equations

H. D. Victory, JR

pp. 406-412

Decomposition of a Complete Multi-Partite Graph into Isomorphic Claws

Shinsei Tazawa

pp. 413-417

Topological Bandwidth

F. S. Makedon, C. H. Papadimitriou, and I. H. Sudborough

pp. 418-444

Coding Strings by Pairs of Strings

F. R. K. Chung, R. E. Tarjan, W. J. Paul, and R. Reischuk

pp. 445-461

Convergence of a Nonlinear Sharpening Transformation for Digital Images

Carolyn R. Johnson

pp. 462-465

Disjunctive Programming and a Hierarchy of Relaxations for Discrete Optimization Problems

Egon Balas

pp. 466-486

On Transportation Problems with Upper Bounds on Leading Rectangles

Earl R. Barnes and Alan J. Hoffman

pp. 487-496

Bithreshold Graphs

P. L. Hammer and N. V. R. Mahadev

pp. 497-506

An Asymptotic Approach to the Channel Assignment Problem

Joshua H. Rabinowitz and Viera Krnanová Proulx

pp. 507-518

On Graceful Directed Graphs

G. S. Bloom and D. F. Hsu

pp. 519-536

Permutation Factorization on Star-Connected Networks of Binary Automata

Maurice Tchuente

pp. 537-540